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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Life with MS

I've always been quite independant. I've always wanted to do things MY way, and I've always been sure I that I know better than anyone else what should be done in any given situation. Imagine then my great frustration at finding myself in a nursing home situation where I'm not in charge of ANYTHING - not what time I get up or go to bed or eat or bathe - ANYTHING. Although, actually, I guess I exaggerate. I do have long periods of time in which I don't need to conduct any of the basic activities of daily life and the "Caregivers" ignore me. (Unless I call for them, in which case they take their time getting here.)
I just had a perfect example of frustrsion happen. It all centers around he fact that the people who work here don't respect the residents as thinking human beings. It got to be 8:30 this morning and nobody had showed up to get me up. TnOT

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading this months later and find it quite amusing that I went on a rampage about being a thinking human being and then screwed the entry up like that,
