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Sunday, September 11, 2011


OMG - there is a show on TV called "The World's Smallest Man". He is a full grown male only 27" tall. His name is "Edvard" He is on a big stage now, in a white' sequined tux, singing and leaping about, and occasionally throwing himself on the ground.

OK - back to reality. They had a "Back to Sunday School" picnic at church which they called a "tailgate party". It was in an abandoned parking lot in the shopping center where the church is located. This was not a real good idea. It was very hot. The only shade was under a big canopy some members brought, and there was no grass, so the kids had to play on asphalt.

On my way over to the picnic, as I passed Safeway, a skinny, dirty guy who was collapsed on the sidewalk said, "Help the homeless? I haven't eaten in 2 days.".

So I said, pointing to the picnic, "Come to that our picnic down there. We have lots of food."

I went on down and I saw the homeless man at the picnic, eating burgers and a bIg plate of salads.

After the picnic I was back at Safeway waiting on the bus. I guess he didn't recognize me, because h said, "help the homeless. I haven't eaten In 2 days.".

I said, "I just saw you eating at the picnic."

He said, "I didn't eat that. I'm allergic."

I said,

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