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Thursday, December 16, 2010


BUMMER! It snowed! Doesn't it just figure... The ONE day a week that I actually have something to do is Thursday, so, of course, if it is going to snow, it is going to do so on Thursday.

After all, what else would you expect... since, after all, I'm cursed, you know....

Its actually my own fault. (NO, not that it snowed. Even I don't attribute that much power to screw things up to myself.) I won't go into all the details, but it is, indeed, my fault that I ended up with nothing to do tonight, when at various times I had several options.

I f***ed up.

In real life, I'd just say it, but in a blog you run the risk that someone might show it to your mother.
This is a picture of my mother. She is the one on the left. Dad is on the right.

This is some man I don't know, but I thought it was a funny picture.

Please forgive me. Let's just call this a snow day.


  1. Today, the 18th, is George's birthday. We often recall how you would always let him know that he will always be older than you.
