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Sunday, December 19, 2010

12 Days of Christmas

This is an attempt at humor. Any resemblance to an actual meal, living or dead, is pure coincidence!

SUNG TO: The Twelve Days of Christmas

The first day of Christmas the kitchen gave to me
A mushy meat lump with gravy.

On the second day of Christmas, they tried variety,
Calling them ribs,
They baked sauce on bare bones to serve me.

On the third day of Christmas, the chef baked up poultry,
Wee tiny hens,
Overcooked squash,
Tooth breaking bread,
And a fine tasting cup of coffee.

On the fourth day of Christmas, this lunch was served to me:
Quite smelly fish,
Soup that congealed,
Limp lettuce leaves.
And a spoonfull of languid green peas.

On the fifth day of Christmas, the kitchen serves to me
Five Harvard beets!
Four big lumps of meat,
Two small greyish mounds,
And it’s all covered in a gravy.


  1. I can't wait for the menus for the remaining days of Christmas. You might have to combine meals; otherwise, twelve things at one time would be too filling!

  2. Today was a mystery meat they called leg of lamb, though I'm rather sure that no three legged sheep were created as a result of this meal. and a bowl of melted ice cream residue.
