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Saturday, December 4, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Today I went to the annual Falls Church Christmas Craft Fair they have at the Community Center. All these vendors come in and sell "homemade?" Christmas Crafts. This year they also had the High School Glee Club sing Carols, which was a nice touch.

Back in the "Good Old Days", David's church choir Christmas party, both at Dulin and at CTS, was always the day after this sale. We'd both have to bring a Christmas ornament as a gift for this "gift exchange" game the choirs played the next day, so I always bought us both things that I thought were unique and folksy at this sale. Many of the other choir members, though, brought in classy expensive pieces. David always thought our gifts were fine, I guess.

One year, at Dulin, this real strange, social misfit, who mumbles to himself and wears the same clothes for weeks without end, was in the choir. He once brought a large ceramic owl for his ornament. David said this guy was actually brilliant, and had an important, powerful government job. The Dulin bell choir used to go out in the Christmas season, and play at places like Ballston Mall, and this guy had a small entourage of people from his job that would come wherever we were to hear him play.

Today I didn't need ornaments, but a little 2' tree that has lights on itg and is pre-decorated. It adds a bit of festivity to this dreary room.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could have used a ceramic dinosaur night light as a decoration!
