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Friday, March 4, 2011

and the beat goes on

Yucko! I was sick as a dog all day . It was a stomach virus, or something. I had it a couple days ago, and thought I got over it, but it came back with a vengeance. I luckily got my cable connection established before it happened, though, so at least I could watch TV. Ron will get my internet up and running soon, and was going to do so today, but I, alas, got sick. It is amazing to realize how much we depend on the internet in every single phase of life.

One of the waitresses here used to work at Sunrise as a caretaker. She was not only "Not good" at her job, she was "in your face" aggressively so. I can't really remember the circumstances but I like to think I had something to do with her getting fired. She seems to be cutting a wide swathe from me here.

The caretakers here are no where near as good as the ones at Sunrise are, but they are (I hope) learning. Unfortunately. I also think they are more manic. When faced with a new situation, they tend to attack in grande mass, each with her own idea of what to do and how to do it. Nobody, of course, asks or listens to me. Because, after all, Why would I know what I need?

They don't have anywhere near the number of caretakers here as they need, but neither did Sunrise. In Sunrise, though. there was usually a small crowd of old people waiting idly in the lobby for several hours to be taken up to bed. One doesn't see that here. As a matter of fact, there are various solitary activities offered (like this very computer!) that people seem to keep themselves busy.

Well, I have reason to go, They are painting the room this computer is in this weekend, so, until mine gets up, hastaa luega!!

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