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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday - Should have stayed in bed

Bummer of a day. Lets start from the very beginning - I woke up at a quarter of six. (That's unusual, but it happened. I felt icky Wednesday night and went to bed early, which probably explains it). At 6:10 I ring the call button, because my bus is to arrive at 7:15, and I'm getting nervous. Vera and Joey, my two most favorite Care Managers, always show up by 6:05 to get me up, but 6:15 arrives and they aren't there yet. 6:20I ring the button again. Nothing. Try to imagine how frustrating it is. At 6:30, they finally arrive. I tell them when my bus is due, and they say' No problem", and do manage to get me ready on time. (Or, at least Joey says "no problem". Vera is from some unknown country and has the most unintelligible dialect I've ever heard. She said something akin to, "Byrenish mekonen de jehuzofaht. Minnie reh?")

Anyway, they got me ready before the bus came, and I even had time to grab a cup of coffee in the lobby. A man who is running for president of the Emeritus Residents Association even poured it for me. I swear to high heavens, there is no escaping from politics, is there? Not even in the world's most unlikely places. If I die and go to hell, I'll be met by a politician handing out cups of ice water who is running for Hell resident President. (but probably there will prove to be a tiny, invisible hole in the bottom of the cup.)

Anyway, I got on the Metro Access bus and he proceeded to drive all the way to a location well on the other side of Vienna. And, even more grueling, he did so using only back roads and never once getting on a highway. We picked up a blind man and took him to where he was going and dropped him off before we went to Reston! But could I complain - absolutely not - because, after all, IT WAS A BLIND MAN! It took over two hours to get from Arlington to Reston.

So then I get to church and settle in working and my phone rings. It is the bank. I had called them yesterday. When I'd mislaid my bankcard 2 weeks ago, the BB&T on Broad Street in Falls Church had said I'd get a new one in a week to 10 days. It never came. The bank told me yesterday to give it another day or two, Now they were calling to say that - WHOOPS! - they never ordered it, and give it another week to 10days.

OK - so then I finish up at church. I go to Ledo's and get a steak and cheese. I go to Rite Aide and get some stuff. I go to Safeway and buy pretty flowers for my room. I sit in the coffee shop and get out mt Kindle to read a bit before the bus comes. I find that my Kindle is broken.

I go out into the chill to await the bus. I wait and wait. And wait. I'm tired. I chant silently, "Oh Lord, please send me help me here." Two Lutheran pastors that I know walk up, which helps not a bit.

I did get home. I paid many thousands in rent. I went to dinner, where they had horrible green soup and fatty lamb stew.

I'd have been better off overall had Joey and Vera never made it at all this morning.

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