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Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm back

I'm BACK!!! My internet is all set up, and I can sit in the sanctity(?) of my own room and look out my own window and type entries on the internet. Only problem is that life on the city street outside my window is so fascinating that I'm tempted just to stare at it in amazement and not to get any work done. All sorts of combinations of people hustle past (the last two were drunk) in all sorts of different garb carrying all kinds of different stuff. Heavy duty traffic motors up the street. People come and go in the office next door - as a matter of fact, at night with their interior lights on, I could even see what they are DOING in office next door! But I'm certainly too much of a lady to do that. Don'tcha think?

Speaking of then sanctity of my room, the pastor is bringing a small bunch of people from church next Sunday night to see my place and eat at Ballston. It would be nice if I could get my pictures hung by then. Alex (Susan Craft's son) has said he'd do it, but I don't know when.

Poor Susan and Alex! They are renting a little one-story house in Springfield, and two weeks ago someone broke in and trashed the place and stole lots of stuff. The cops took a report, but big lot of good that does. And then, last weekend, probably the same guys broke in again when Alex was home with a friend and stole more stuff and trashed the place again. Susan is now looking to move, but she has to stay in the same school zone.

Susan and Alex have 6 dogs, but they are chihuahuas!

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