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Sunday, March 27, 2011


My tax stuff is finally together, and I called the guy who does taxes for me, Mom & Pa, and Sue, and he says he'll come to Emeritus come get my stuff and do my taxes, even at this late date (March 27). I hope I really have all the papers I need.

He is a wonderful tax man,. His name is John Husovsky, and, if you need a tax preparer, email me,, I'll send you his phone number. Anyway, I bet I make out well on taxes this year, because the enormous cost of assisted living is partly deductible, and I have receipts for over $12,000 in other medical expenses. The bad news is, of course, that I actually had to spend that money to get those receipts.

Other than work on taxes (I had to gather together and total those receipts, you know!), I haven't had the free time available to do much of anything else...
so please warm up your tiny violins to play for me. This is one of Ron Mussleman's favorite expressions - he even uses his thumb and index finger to mimic playing a tiny violin.

Anyway, because of the push to finish the taxes, I done much of anything else... except go to the movies - Limitless. I really liked it. And eat at Chevy's with a friend. It seemed too expensive and the cooking was not authentic Mexican cooking.

Life's a bitch, ain't it? Tomorrow I have physical therapy, Spanish tutoring, tax man, and therapist. At least I'm retired!

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