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Monday, March 14, 2011

My blessed room

The church people came last night, and that was really great fun. There were approximately 10 people who came. Everyone managed to crowd into my little room. I wrote the following poem for the occasion at the request of the pastor:

I’m glad you’ve come to visit.
You can see my small abode.
I’d like to say to all of you
“Sit down. Take off a load.”

But yet I can’t so welcome you.
It seems I’m not prepared.
You can’t all sit, I’m sad to say,
‘Cause I’ve got just one chair.

I’d planned to serve you up a meal,
That plan I had to veto,
For I have got no cooking stove.
Would you like a cheese Dorito?

I’d like to share a scenic view
Of a lovely grand estate.
Instead won’t you please join with me
In gazing at my grate? (My main window overlooks a big grate in the sidewalk).

What I have got, I’ll gladly share
With you, my dear, dear friends.
And in return, I ask that you
Visit again and again and again.

After we visited, the Pastor read a prayer for new homes that he had brought. It was quite amusing. I only have this one, wee little room, so he would shuffle over to the refrigerator and read the "blessing for kitchens", and then he'd stand by the bed and read the "blessing for bedrooms", and by the desk for "blessing for offices", and the TV for "blessing for dens". I guess he really blessed me out!

It was fun to visit together. This is a very jovial, convivial group.

Afterwards we went walked (or scooted) to Union Jacks Pub in Ballston. It was good British food. (No, good British food is not a contradiction in terms! I had fish and chips, which were quite tasty. Another lady had chicken curry. I tasted it and it was wonderful, but I don't quite understand why it was British. They also have a cottage pie, which I plan to try next time.

Everyone enjoyed being together, I'm glad the pastor thought of it. It reinforced the feeling that it's certainly nice to be part of a community.

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