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Monday, April 4, 2011

around the house

Brother Ed and neice Charlotte were here all weekend, which was wonderful but explains my lack of posts. Here is a picture of Charlotte and me and my brother and sister from about 5 years ago. I seem to have quit taking pictures these days. Sue just called reminded me we need to have a 60th! anniversary party for Ma and Pa this weekend! Now THAT calls for picures!

ARRRRGGGGG!!!! Mom just called and said Ed got her computer almost all set up, but that there were still some things she was confused about and that she wants me to come and explain it all to her because "I know so much about computers". So I said, for the 900th time, "Mom! I know NOTHING about computers! PLEASE ask Ron or Sue.' It's nice to be thought well of, but I don't know shit about computers. I think she I think she doesn't want to bother them because they are busy, and I have one obligation fot 2 hours once a week, and am therefore NOT busy. But, still yet, I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT COMPUTERS! (except not to get them wet. I DO know not to get them wet!)

I did a good "settling in" thing today - I went and found the library, (it's within scoooter distance!) and checked out books. That's always the first thing I do when I move.

I got myself an Ipad a while back, and then did nothing with it because I was scared of it. Well, Ed and Charlotte set that up, and I can at least use it to play games and send and receive email.

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