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Friday, April 15, 2011


Here comes another post about how wonderful it is to live here in Arlington rather than in self righteous Falls Church.... I had nothing planned to do today. At Sunrise of Falls Church, that meant "Nothing to do all day". Here in Emeritus it means "you can do anything you want to do today.

Now, to be fair, I don't approach this with the same point of view as a person who depends on the home to provide all activities. In general, both Emeritus and Sunrise seem to offer the same sort of annoying mindless singing and games. But Emeritus" offers other stuff, as well. They seem to try harder here. Just yesterday they all went on a bus trip to Target - they seem to do stuff like that fairly often. I don't remember them ever going on shopping trips at Sunrise. For activities, they just sang old songs and played bingo. It's quite different at Emeritus. I came home the other day and saw that the very old woman I eat with was bowling in the living room with a plastic ball and plastic pins. That's just SO much better than what residents did at Sunrise, which was to hang around take front desk and wait for someone to take them up to bed.

Anyway, I spent my free day by:

1) getting a Smoothie next door at Smoothie King, while reading a library book I'd checked out of the Arlington County library. (Scary because I've so severely abused my library privileges in so many localities in Virginia that I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that the General Assembly had passed a state law against loaning me books.

2) Wandering until I found a really marvelous little market named (of all things)Marvelous Market. They have sandwiches and imported beer. Who could want more?

3) Going to Ballston and buying Easter cards.

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