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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What an odd day.

It started out really badly, became normal (with exceptions), became educational and fascinating, and next became disastrous and adventuresome. Then I took a nap. Then a manager woke me up and fell all over herself promising that what had happened this morning would never happen again. Great, but I've heard this before, as I reminded her.

What happened was that Joey, a care manager, called in today. Because of this, I was not able to get a shower this morning. I'm not going to get into a detailed discission of why one event caused the other, but it did. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

If you'll remember, long periods time with a broken bathtub was one of the dominant circumstances that drove me out of Sunrise. I even wrote a bathtub song.

I foresaw that the certainty of my daily shower was vulnerable months ago, wrote to the brass here, spelled the potential problem out, was reassured that backup plans were in place, and then I shut up. That was the lazy way out To be honest, knowing the personnel here, I knew the backup plans would never work without additional effort on the part of the management. I chose to let it go. So in a way, it is my own fault. (Except, how was I supposed to know that the rehab people had changed the locks on the door of the room with accessible showers and nobody has a key?)

It's just that, in my own head, st least, I walk a fine line here between cautious self protection and being a nagging bitch.

I'm weary now, so I'll continue tomorrow. I'll just try to tease you into coming back by mentioning that tomorrow's entries involve groundhog anecdotes.

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