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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I've done the last few Blog entries from my IPad, because I can write from my easy chair and don't have to be at the computer. Doing blog entries from the IPad is quite difficult, although the more I work with and learn about IPad, the easier it gets.

Some things are just intrinsically harder, though. For instance, unless you buy a keyboard and attach it, (which would make it harder to use the IPad in the easy chair!), typing, is done with one finger on a flat digital keyboard that appears on screen. I type with one finger, anyway, so it isn't that much harder, but it is very different.

The thing that is LOTS harder is accomplishing the highlighting required to insert links. I figured out all the mechanics of doing a link on the IPad, but I can't manage to touch that little screen precisely enough to accurately highlight the one or two tiny little words that I want to link to something. Yesterday's entry was done on IPad, but it took all day. My last link was to UVA, and highlighting it was SO frustrating that I was thinking, "They all know what UVA is!" I'm sure that's probably true. but doing the links is kinda the fun part of writing a blog. Most of my links are legit, but, if you do generally follow my links, you've probably realized that there are times when I link to something unusual.

Anyway, my question is, does anyone know of a way to make it easier to highlight words on an IPad screen?

Probably you are wondering why I don't just write all my blog entries on the computer instead of the Ipad. (I wish Apple gave me $$ for each time I linked to IPad!) See, it's a different way of living when one is totally dependant on others to move from chair to chair. I sit in my wheelchair to use the computer, but eventually I get tired of sitting straight up. When I do, I get the "hired help" to move me to the easy chair, BUT then I am stuck there for a couple hours - I can't just go back to the desk in 15 minutes. So, actually the IPad is a real lifesaver, (If only I could highlight stuff on it.)

I need to start writing. I could do that, on the IPad. Real writing. You know - books. Like people pay money for. I've mentioned this over and over, in multiple blog entries.

Things people can do when they should be writing a book:

1. Write blog entries about how they should be writing a book.
2. Read books about how to write books.
3. Research writer's markets in periodicals.
4. Talk to their shrink about why they really ought to write a book.
5. Go to Staples and buy a dictionary.
6. Order a book titled "How to Overcome Writer's Block".
7. Sign up for an adult education class in Clarendon titled "Daytime Writers".
8. Study Spanish.
9. Go to the movies.
10. Feel desolate because of having no income or profession.

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