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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas shopping

I had a kinda nice exciting Christmas shopping experience last Saturday. Strathmore is a big music center up in Maryland. It right next to to the old Strathmore mansion. Once a year in Oct., the Smithsonian museum's gift shops take over the mansion and a each shop sells it's own wares. It is incredibly crowded, but I didn't run over anyone. (Or at least not to my knowledge!) What a great way to start shopping!

I got mainly for Ed (brother), Dayna (sister-in-law) and my two nieces (6 years and 8years) because, if possible. I want to get their stuff before Thanksgiving, so they carry it back with them. DON'T TELL THEM, but I got Lu a fuzzy fools cap like this with a bell on each tassle. I also got her a soft, felt overnight bag shaped like a dragon. It has dangling legs and feet. I got Charlottte a cool felt hat in the shape of a shark. His wide open mouth is where the wearer puts his head, so it looks like a shark is taking a bite out or the person's head. I also got Charlotte a really neat looking magician set that has lots of magic tricks. I got Ed and Dayna some ornaments.

I just got Mom and me accessible tickets to Oklahoma. It's at the Arena Stage.

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