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Monday, November 22, 2010

Due Date

I got up Monday morning and went to the movies at 10:15 AM - an odd thing to do, but totally enjoyable. As I told the Metro Access driver - "well, hell, why not?" He agreed, although somewhat jealously.

I saw "Due Date". It was HYSTERICAL! I was all by myself in an almost empty theater, and laughed out loud all through it. If you remember from my "Iron Man2" post, I think Robert Downy Jr. is incredibly hot, so that made the movie even more fun. It is totally stupid slapstick juvenile jokes type comedy. For example, a total doofus type guy is carrying around his father's ashes in a coffee can, SO, OF COURSE, they end up making coffee out of the father and drinking him. (Seems like there ought to be some klnd of theological point to drinking the body of the father??? But I guess sometimes a snake is just a snake.)

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