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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday - Should have stayed in bed

Bummer of a day. Lets start from the very beginning - I woke up at a quarter of six. (That's unusual, but it happened. I felt icky Wednesday night and went to bed early, which probably explains it). At 6:10 I ring the call button, because my bus is to arrive at 7:15, and I'm getting nervous. Vera and Joey, my two most favorite Care Managers, always show up by 6:05 to get me up, but 6:15 arrives and they aren't there yet. 6:20I ring the button again. Nothing. Try to imagine how frustrating it is. At 6:30, they finally arrive. I tell them when my bus is due, and they say' No problem", and do manage to get me ready on time. (Or, at least Joey says "no problem". Vera is from some unknown country and has the most unintelligible dialect I've ever heard. She said something akin to, "Byrenish mekonen de jehuzofaht. Minnie reh?")

Anyway, they got me ready before the bus came, and I even had time to grab a cup of coffee in the lobby. A man who is running for president of the Emeritus Residents Association even poured it for me. I swear to high heavens, there is no escaping from politics, is there? Not even in the world's most unlikely places. If I die and go to hell, I'll be met by a politician handing out cups of ice water who is running for Hell resident President. (but probably there will prove to be a tiny, invisible hole in the bottom of the cup.)

Anyway, I got on the Metro Access bus and he proceeded to drive all the way to a location well on the other side of Vienna. And, even more grueling, he did so using only back roads and never once getting on a highway. We picked up a blind man and took him to where he was going and dropped him off before we went to Reston! But could I complain - absolutely not - because, after all, IT WAS A BLIND MAN! It took over two hours to get from Arlington to Reston.

So then I get to church and settle in working and my phone rings. It is the bank. I had called them yesterday. When I'd mislaid my bankcard 2 weeks ago, the BB&T on Broad Street in Falls Church had said I'd get a new one in a week to 10 days. It never came. The bank told me yesterday to give it another day or two, Now they were calling to say that - WHOOPS! - they never ordered it, and give it another week to 10days.

OK - so then I finish up at church. I go to Ledo's and get a steak and cheese. I go to Rite Aide and get some stuff. I go to Safeway and buy pretty flowers for my room. I sit in the coffee shop and get out mt Kindle to read a bit before the bus comes. I find that my Kindle is broken.

I go out into the chill to await the bus. I wait and wait. And wait. I'm tired. I chant silently, "Oh Lord, please send me help me here." Two Lutheran pastors that I know walk up, which helps not a bit.

I did get home. I paid many thousands in rent. I went to dinner, where they had horrible green soup and fatty lamb stew.

I'd have been better off overall had Joey and Vera never made it at all this morning.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh dear!

Could be, I guess, that it is a Freudian slip. Could be that it is pure laziness. (The more likely explanation). Anyway, what happened is that I neglected to call Metro Access to get myself to my last Spanish class tomorrow - and this after my real nice teacher came here and tutored me for 2 hours yesterday at no extra cost. I could cram for and pass this test tomorrow. I could take a cab to the test. Were I not so much of a chicken, I could even take the regular train. That would mean riding a wheelchair around the streets of Arlington by myself after 9 PM, however, and I AM too much of a chicken for that. I think what I'll do instead is take the whole class anew and actually study this time.

Why? you may ask, (as does my sister!) Why spend the money and the energy?

To which my only response is, "Why not?"

I enjoy the outings, even if I don't enjoy doing (or not doing!) the work. I like hanging out in with a group of people. I'm understanding what people say in Spanish a whole lot more than I used to, even if I still don't speak well.

If you are counting, this is the 2nd Spanish class I hve dropped in 2 months. So do do me a favor and stop counting!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


My tax stuff is finally together, and I called the guy who does taxes for me, Mom & Pa, and Sue, and he says he'll come to Emeritus come get my stuff and do my taxes, even at this late date (March 27). I hope I really have all the papers I need.

He is a wonderful tax man,. His name is John Husovsky, and, if you need a tax preparer, email me,, I'll send you his phone number. Anyway, I bet I make out well on taxes this year, because the enormous cost of assisted living is partly deductible, and I have receipts for over $12,000 in other medical expenses. The bad news is, of course, that I actually had to spend that money to get those receipts.

Other than work on taxes (I had to gather together and total those receipts, you know!), I haven't had the free time available to do much of anything else...
so please warm up your tiny violins to play for me. This is one of Ron Mussleman's favorite expressions - he even uses his thumb and index finger to mimic playing a tiny violin.

Anyway, because of the push to finish the taxes, I done much of anything else... except go to the movies - Limitless. I really liked it. And eat at Chevy's with a friend. It seemed too expensive and the cooking was not authentic Mexican cooking.

Life's a bitch, ain't it? Tomorrow I have physical therapy, Spanish tutoring, tax man, and therapist. At least I'm retired!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor has died! She'll sure be missed!... She was a fine lady, as well as a real beauty and an extremely talented actress.

I haven't spoken to Mom about it, but I bet she's sad, She has always really liked Elizabeth Taylor, and, because they are the same exactly the same age, sort of identified with her. Mom loved going to the movies as a teen, and would sit in the dark theaters and watch teen aged Liz Taylor on the big screen. Did you know that Liz Taylor was only 12 years old when she made "National Velvet"? (I once had a pet rabbit named National Velvet, but that is quite beside the point! I think a big dog ate her. One morning her cage in the back yard in Charlottesville was knocked to the ground, and she was gone. Sister Sue was always real sweet to that rabbit. She put a cat leash on her and walked her around the back yard.)

Back to Liz Taylor - At one time she was married to John Warner. In 1979, he ran for Senator from Virginia for the first time, and he came to Charlottesville to campaign, bringing Liz. I never saw her speak, but she appeared in lots of places. They had a parade for her, and I did get to see her in the back of a car. I know they made all sorts of special arrangements for her visit, but, to be honest, Queen Elizabeth visited during about the same time period, and I can't remember which special arrangements were for which Elizabeth.

An odd side note to this story is that I watched Katie Couric talking about the death on CBS and I remembered that Katie Couric was in my UVA graduating class, so she was there iike I was when Liz Tayor made the big visit!

One of the reasons I am so impressed and inspired by Liz Taylor is the fact that she has been a tireless AIDS activist. Should you wish to honor her memory, this is the link you follow to reach her AIDS Foundation.

So now, as a fond farewell, I think I'll go spray on some Liz Tayljor perfume. That's the only way I'll ever smell like an angel!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Well. I've learned something - if an argumentative old geezer is hostile for absolutely no reason, the thing to do is to completely ignore it. Eventually the geezer gets tired of it and goes away. It took me a good long while to figure this out, but I think I've finally learned. For example, this morning I rolled into the living room and picked up a newspaper. There are 3 of them there for public consumption. An ancient man accross the room hissed in an evil voice, "Don't you touch that paper"

I ignore him and pick up the section I want to see.

He hisses evilly, "Put it back right now."

I acknowledge him not at all, roll to the window, and proceed to read. I hear nothing else from him. He's gone by the time I leave.

This explains why my blood pressure was normal when I got it taken this morning.

I don't guess this would work to control conflict in the real world. I suppose in the real world aggressors are out to get something tangible in order to better themselves. I did see a movie once though where the robber got to the bank teller's window and said, "Gimme all your money!", and the teller said, "No hablo Ingles"" and the robber... well, the robber took all the money anyway, so I guess that was a rotten example. As a matter of fact, other than old people with dementia, I can't think of a single example of a time when ignoting unwarrented aggression is a good idea. So perhaps you should use another website for advice concerning sociologial behavior and interreaction.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Lloyd, my dear friend, emailed me and asked me to write a limerick about Ann Coulter. (My friends tend to do things like that, thus the moniker "Dial a Writer") Here is the resulting limerick.

Ann Coulter thinks she’s a fine lady
Whose shit comes out smelling like daisies.
Only Protestant whites
Are right in her sight.
Which proves that she’s one off the crazies.

But, dear Lloyd, don’t you see, that’s just fine.
Let that bitch stay off with her own kind.
Then we cripples, gays, Jews,
White or black or confused,
Free of them, can invent, govern, rhyme.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


OK, play the theme from "The Twilight Zone" as you read the next entry. I had a terrible row with the care manager this morning - I won't go into it, I guess, but I'm left thinking, "It isn't possible to go on this way. Do I have to move again?" Tonight I read my horoscope. It says, "Someone has repeatedly disappointed you. Normally you would take a walk. But things are different this time. If you wait, you will benefit greatly." So lets pretend we believe in horoscopes.

I was back in Falls Church yesterday, getting my weekly Avonex injection. It was a nice day so I decided to roll up the couple blocks to Sunrise to see my friend Bill Welch, who I kinda feel like I abandoned. When I lived there, I had complained literally every day about the front door not being handicapped accessible. It was a heavy door, and my knees were always torn to shreds by it. They always said, "Maybe someday." This for a year and a half. So guess what! I move out, and one month later THE DOOR IS TOTALLY ACCESSIBLE!!!!! It has a push buttons now! Never say that I never accomplished anything!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The luck of the Irish, always a problematic thing, was certainly with me today. I lost my purse when I was in Reston. It was my own fault - it slipped off my wheelchair and I didn't notice. It had my cel phone and credit cards and check book. I was calling to cancel everything and I called Mom to tell her, and it turned out LLOYD, my oldest friend, had called her from his home 150 miles from here in Richmond, and told her that the Reston police had it! Now I have it, with nothing missing! (except for my sanity.) I won't go into all the details, but it involves a bunch of nice and honest people, one of whom works at this laundry. You should wash your clothes there, if you can.

Anyway. here is my obligatory St. Patricks Day joke:

'What's wrong with Murphy?' asked Father Green.
'I don't know, Father. Yesterday he swallowed a spoon and he hasn't stirred since,' said Mrs Murphy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I skipped Spanish last night. This was the real adult education class at the Arlington County high school (Yorktown High School)with the real high school teacher. I think I'm going to drop that class - the other students are way ahead of me (They took Spanish I part 1 and Spanish I part 2. I just jumped in feet first at Spanish I part 3 because 1) I had Spanish I and II in college, 30 years ago, and, 2) why not? What would it hurt? After all, I might just amaze myself.

Well, it turns out I didn't. (Amaze myself, that is.) So I think I'll drop the course - probably to the great relief of my woe beset teacher. She never quite knew what to do with me. (A common phenomina.)

Anyway, if I so desire I can start with Spanish I, part 2, at some future time. In the meanwhile, I'll continue with Spanish Blackbelt, which is a low key chance to meet a couple people at Starbucks and drink coffee and speak Spanish for two hours.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fun stuff

I've got more fun stuff to tell! And, once again, it's directly tied to my decision to move here.

I tell you--not to be big headed
or anything, but I am rather proud of myself for initiating and following through on the move. When one lives in a place like this, the normal (and expected) attitude of residents is to act as if every aspect of their lives is preordained by someone else! (Needless to say, I'm not real popular with the staff. I tend to demand to have my own way! And, whats more, I eventually get it). If not I'd walk! The fact that the administration knows that I did walk from Sunrise does not hurt at all. It would have been a lot easier just to continue slogging along at Sunrise. This place I'm at now isn't perfect, but it has a front door that opens and a mall across the street and a metro station next door.

Anyway, the fun thing I did yesterday is that Hedy Rossmeissel, a friend from church, came over and we went to the mall and we found a big ice rink where the Caps practice every morning, and anyone that wants can come watch free. They also have a big rink where people can just go skating, which might be good for Charlotte and Lu.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My blessed room

The church people came last night, and that was really great fun. There were approximately 10 people who came. Everyone managed to crowd into my little room. I wrote the following poem for the occasion at the request of the pastor:

I’m glad you’ve come to visit.
You can see my small abode.
I’d like to say to all of you
“Sit down. Take off a load.”

But yet I can’t so welcome you.
It seems I’m not prepared.
You can’t all sit, I’m sad to say,
‘Cause I’ve got just one chair.

I’d planned to serve you up a meal,
That plan I had to veto,
For I have got no cooking stove.
Would you like a cheese Dorito?

I’d like to share a scenic view
Of a lovely grand estate.
Instead won’t you please join with me
In gazing at my grate? (My main window overlooks a big grate in the sidewalk).

What I have got, I’ll gladly share
With you, my dear, dear friends.
And in return, I ask that you
Visit again and again and again.

After we visited, the Pastor read a prayer for new homes that he had brought. It was quite amusing. I only have this one, wee little room, so he would shuffle over to the refrigerator and read the "blessing for kitchens", and then he'd stand by the bed and read the "blessing for bedrooms", and by the desk for "blessing for offices", and the TV for "blessing for dens". I guess he really blessed me out!

It was fun to visit together. This is a very jovial, convivial group.

Afterwards we went walked (or scooted) to Union Jacks Pub in Ballston. It was good British food. (No, good British food is not a contradiction in terms! I had fish and chips, which were quite tasty. Another lady had chicken curry. I tasted it and it was wonderful, but I don't quite understand why it was British. They also have a cottage pie, which I plan to try next time.

Everyone enjoyed being together, I'm glad the pastor thought of it. It reinforced the feeling that it's certainly nice to be part of a community.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Some of the church choir and the pastor are coming here Sunday night to see the place and I'm supposed to write a funny welcome song or poem to greet them with. Let's use this occasion to get some unsuitable one out of my system, as they seem to be the only ones that sprig to mind when I try to write:

TO: Holy, Holy, Holy

Holey, holey, holey,
My bras are holey.
I have moved them twice now.
They're ancient history.
I should buy some new ones,
Bras that fit me nicely.
I think I'll shop now - Sears and then Penny's.

OK, OK - this song should welcome people to my new home, and not dwell on the worrisome minutia of life.

TO: This is my Father's World

This is my tiny space.
I am glad to have you here.
Outside my room the traffic zooms, play music loudly to hear.
Please make yourself at home.
And find rest in my kind thoughts,
That'll have to do, so I'm warning you, one chair is all that I've got.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm back

I'm BACK!!! My internet is all set up, and I can sit in the sanctity(?) of my own room and look out my own window and type entries on the internet. Only problem is that life on the city street outside my window is so fascinating that I'm tempted just to stare at it in amazement and not to get any work done. All sorts of combinations of people hustle past (the last two were drunk) in all sorts of different garb carrying all kinds of different stuff. Heavy duty traffic motors up the street. People come and go in the office next door - as a matter of fact, at night with their interior lights on, I could even see what they are DOING in office next door! But I'm certainly too much of a lady to do that. Don'tcha think?

Speaking of then sanctity of my room, the pastor is bringing a small bunch of people from church next Sunday night to see my place and eat at Ballston. It would be nice if I could get my pictures hung by then. Alex (Susan Craft's son) has said he'd do it, but I don't know when.

Poor Susan and Alex! They are renting a little one-story house in Springfield, and two weeks ago someone broke in and trashed the place and stole lots of stuff. The cops took a report, but big lot of good that does. And then, last weekend, probably the same guys broke in again when Alex was home with a friend and stole more stuff and trashed the place again. Susan is now looking to move, but she has to stay in the same school zone.

Susan and Alex have 6 dogs, but they are chihuahuas!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Hmmmm... Some untalented resident is playing the accordion in the main room for the edification of all who happen to be sitting there. They just did "America the Beautiful". Now they are doing "God Bless America", and people are clapping and singing along. This place is SO MUCH better than the Sunrise I lived in. Such a spontaneous event would never have happened there. At Sunrise, at this time of night, all are standing in the main foyer, staring at the steps, waiting for some one to come down and take them up to bed. And, no, Sunrise can't force some resident to pick up an accordion and play a song, But they CAN create an atmosphere where residents are encouraged to do so. The could have interesting things like accordions laying around for people to use, for example.

By the way, the reason I link to stuff so rarely in my blog now is that it doesn't seem to be possible to open more than one window at a time inn this dinosaur of a computer.

Thee nice little Hispanic lady I always eat with spends half an hour every morning picking all the raisins out of her toast. I asked her today why she didn't just get plain toast. She said, "I don't know! They just always bring this to me!" So why didn't she tell them??????? I told them this morning, so maybe there is some sort of purpose in my current situation.

"I just hate raisens", the lady said.

Friday, March 4, 2011

and the beat goes on

Yucko! I was sick as a dog all day . It was a stomach virus, or something. I had it a couple days ago, and thought I got over it, but it came back with a vengeance. I luckily got my cable connection established before it happened, though, so at least I could watch TV. Ron will get my internet up and running soon, and was going to do so today, but I, alas, got sick. It is amazing to realize how much we depend on the internet in every single phase of life.

One of the waitresses here used to work at Sunrise as a caretaker. She was not only "Not good" at her job, she was "in your face" aggressively so. I can't really remember the circumstances but I like to think I had something to do with her getting fired. She seems to be cutting a wide swathe from me here.

The caretakers here are no where near as good as the ones at Sunrise are, but they are (I hope) learning. Unfortunately. I also think they are more manic. When faced with a new situation, they tend to attack in grande mass, each with her own idea of what to do and how to do it. Nobody, of course, asks or listens to me. Because, after all, Why would I know what I need?

They don't have anywhere near the number of caretakers here as they need, but neither did Sunrise. In Sunrise, though. there was usually a small crowd of old people waiting idly in the lobby for several hours to be taken up to bed. One doesn't see that here. As a matter of fact, there are various solitary activities offered (like this very computer!) that people seem to keep themselves busy.

Well, I have reason to go, They are painting the room this computer is in this weekend, so, until mine gets up, hastaa luega!!