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Friday, April 23, 2010

Killing time

To be honest, the main reasons I went to the Corcoran the other day were to 1) have something to do; and to 2) get myself away from here for awhile, so I expect it was actually a successful trip. Going back to the pictures I mentioned briefly:

is the famous picture by Gilbert Stewart. Now, by saying this I mean no disrespect to George Washington or Gilbert Stewart or my granny, but I've always thought George Washington looked like Granny in that picture. ..................(pause)

Actually, writing that just now caused me to start looking through my pictures for one of Granny - I haven't found one yet (they must be in the albums way up on the top shelf), but I did find these I thought I'd share. (Sorry, but when I start looking through pictures, the afternoon is gone!!)
This is Lloyd, whom you'vev seen before (not that you are blas`e, Lloyd - they've just seen you, is all). The other guy is Bobby. We were all 3 inseperable buddies all through college until silly Lloyd went off to pharmacy school so that he could make a decent living. Bobby and I, having no sense whatsoever, stuck with our drama majors. Although, actually, Bobby did get a good job in the field. Anyway, here is a picture of us on a boat to Mt. Vernon a couple years after graduation. AH HA! MT VERNON! I DID get this whole thing to tie in to that picture of George Washington!
The other picture I found is

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