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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lloyd told me on the phone yesterday that George is retiring again (George is the type guy who can never seem to really retire! Retirement jobs pop up like dandilions!) Anyway, here is another (better) picture of George which, I must admit I chose just because Mom looks so silly. David also has on some "cosmic glasses", so I guess that must have been required attire that evening! George, of course, is much too classy to engage in such silliness, and Dad- well, let's just say "no chance in hell"! Here is another picture of George with someone lookin silly. He must inspire such behavior!

Now here is a poem in honor of George's retirement:

Do what you want and want what you do.
Take all the pleasure that’s coming to you.

Sleep through the day and dance through the night.
Revel in filling your time with delight.

Give to your life all the gusto you’ve got,
But take my advice and try not to get caught!


  1. Retirement is sure to take this time. I got a Debbie official can you get! Thanks!!!

  2. George - why did AdSense put ads on this page for goutmet diet food?

  3. Whoops! I meam "gourmet diet food"!
