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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Groove it

The beatnik coffeehouse event that the church holds wasn't as much fun this year as it was last time. There was some sanctimonious self-justification occurring under the guise of entertainment which put a pallor on the event. The preacher did a funny self depreaciating stand-up routine, though, and another guy did a routine on "the evils of drink", and there were a couple real fun poetry readings, and Roger played guitar, which is always a treat, and another guy and his grown son played violen, so that was nice. I just doubt the church does it again, because the other crap gave the whole thing sort of a negative feel. Or at least to me it did.....

I have rhymed for this church on many occasions - remember, for a long time I rhymed for the church at David's request, so that's a lot of rhymes and song lyrics. Last night at the beatnik coffeehouse, after I'd read the poem, one man came up to me and said, "So you wrote us yet another rhyme. It was great, but it reminds me of a story. It seems that there was once a brillant mathmetician. She could complete any complex math problem that was given to her. One day she was given an especially tricky equation to solve. She immediately snatched up a nearby pad of blank paper and began writing furiously. Finally, after hours of work, she threw down her pencil and handed the pad to her professor.

The professor flipped through page after page of neatly completed algorythem.

"So," he said. "I see the medication still isn't working!"

Get it? But why did he tell that story to me?

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