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Saturday, May 8, 2010

What's the Use?

I really just lost it. I get 2 showers a week here and one is supposed to be tonight and I've been looking forward to it for days and now THEY HAVE NO HOT WATER AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE FIXED. I can't do anything but sit here and cry. I really am losing it.

Following is what I'd originally planned to write:
I'm super bummed out because my TV isn't working! It's pathetic how much one depends on the TV in situations such as mine, because it isn't possible to move around the room at will and just go over and get on the computer for a minute or grab a book. You have to sit where they leave you until you can get someone to move you, and then, where ever they move you, you have to make yourself content there for a while. It's much easier to do this with a working TV.

BUT get over it - right? I have an in-home TV repairman coming tomorrow, so hold your breath!!!!

I went home for Mother's Day this afternoon and borrowed a radio because I usually listen to music on the computer, which is all the way across the room from my easy chair, which is where I want to sit when I'm tired from being in the wheelchair all day, or else I listen to the music channels on TV, which is broken.


Let me tell you all a story about Debaroo.
Her TV broke and she don't know what to do.
Then one day, just to satisfy her needs
She picked up a book and she settled in to read.
Novel, that is.
Lots of words.
Glory be.

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