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Monday, August 16, 2010


I didn't do anything or go anywhere today, so I'm very ready to blow this joint.

Just a side note, speaking of blowing this joint, the woman I eat breakfast with stuck her fork in her poached egg and there was an audible "pop", and the egg exploded. Literally. Pieces of egg went everywhere.

The reason I stayed at here today is because I went to church yesterday yesterday and then to Ma and Pa's for lunch, and by the time I'd returned from all that, I was content to just sit around, and forgot that I'd be crazy today if I had nothing to do.

So this afternoon I made plans for tomorrow. I plan to go to the National Poitrait Gallery because I've never been there, and because they have a really cool Elvis exhibit which is only there through 8/29. I see that they also have "From FDR to Obama: Presidents on Time", which is poitraits of the various presidents on the cover of Time magazine. . It should also be interesting to see the permanant collection. Of the presidential poitraits in the permanant collection, the Portrait Gallery Website says "Visitors will see an enhanced and extended display of multiple images of forty-three presidents of the United States, including Gilbert Stuart’s “Lansdowne” portrait of George Washington, the famous “cracked plate” photograph of Abraham Lincoln and whimsical sculptures of Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon and George H. W. Bush by noted caricaturist Pat Oliphant. Presidents Washington, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt will be given expanded attention because of their significant impact on the office. Presidents from FDR to Bill Clinton are featured in a video component of the exhibit." It sounds totally fascinating.

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