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Monday, August 30, 2010


I start a Spanish class tomorrow! I signed up for it because I decided I wanted to know what the caretakers are saying to each other. I hate it when they are helping me and they talk to each other in Spanish and then stand there and stare at me and giggle hysterically. I also wanted to be able to say to them things such as "I want my blue tee-shirt. It is in the second drawer of the shelves on the left as you walk in the closet." So I signed up and paid for a Spanish class and it starts tomorrow.

Only problem is that most of the Spanish speaking caretakers are now gone. There is a rapid turnover in the caregiver business! The new group seems mainly to be from Nepal. I don't even know what language is spoken in Nepal. Please wait and I'll look it up on the internet... Hmmmm... The official language is Nepali. I don't think it would be an enormously useful language to know, as it is spoken only also spoken in Bhutan, parts of India and parts of Myanmar (Burma). I really don't envision myself traveling to any of those places in the near future.

Wow - I did find some phrases which might be useful:

malai thaha chhaina मलाई थाहा छैन- I don't know
malai tapaiko/timro sahayog chahinchha मलाई तपाईको सहयोग चाहिन्छ - I need your help.
ke tapain malai maddat garna saknuhuncha? के तपाईं मलाई मदत् गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ? - Can you help me?
pugyo पुग्यो — That is enough (mainly used while eating).
ke cha? के छ? - What's up? (informal), sañcai hunuhuncha? सञ्चै हुनुहुन्छ? - Doing well? (formal)
namaste. नमस्ते — "hello" or "goodbye."
shubhaprabhat शुभप्रभात - good morning
tapāī̃ko/timro nām ke ho? तपाईंको/तिम्रो नाम के हो? - What is your name?

I also found some I am not likely to use, inluding:

kāṭhmāḍaũ jāne bāṭo dherai lāmo cha. काठ्माडौँ जाने बाटो धेरै लामो छ — The road to Kathmandu is very long.
ma nepālī hũ म नेपाली हूँ — I am Nepali.
krishna ji ! hajur yuzana myanmar maa basnu hunchha ?कृष्ण जी !हजुर युजना म्यान्मा मा बस्नु हुन्छ ? dear krishna ! Do you live in yuzana myanmar ?

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