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Sunday, August 1, 2010


We had a real nice birthday party yesterday for Ron and Sue at Mom & Pops place. Shirley came, as did Martha. Sue is 47 today, and Ron is either 46 or 48. He's either one year older or one year younger. I forget which! I gave Sue a cool present (thanks to Lloyd!) which she loved! Lloyd scanned all the photos Sue & I had accumulated over the many years we lived together. I have always had all of them in my room. I gave her the photos and I kept the CDs of the scans. Ain't that cool?

Actually, I guess most of the credit for this cool present ought to go to Lloyd... Thank you, Lloyd!

Here is a picture or Lloyd looking buff and drinking a beer.

I have good news from Sunrise, for a change! They've decided I can pay extra money and get 5 baths a week! Remember, previously they had told me it just wasn't possible, so this is great news!

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