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Monday, October 11, 2010


Moving day seemed to go well, I guess, although I wasn't there for a lot of it. The movers took FOREVER to get them packed, so they didn't even get to the new house until after 3:00. They've been there a couple nights, now, and all seems to be going along O.K.

Well... except for the nurse... She is a perfect example of a person who has let her tiny bit of power and influence go straight to her head. Sue fought with her on moving day. I fought with her yesterday, and then the dumb nurse callled up Sue to tell on Mom and Dad for doing what I said instead of what the nurse said. So Sue got furious and told the nurse that Mom and Dad had a doctor, so she (the nurse) wasn't actually in charge of their medical care, (which is basically what I had said), and that, from now on, whatever Mom says is what she should do, and not to ever call her up again expecting her to negate one of Mom's decisions.

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