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Friday, September 3, 2010


I had an amusing encounter with tourists on Wednesday.

I took Metro Access to the Mall. It was about 10 AM. I was cutting across the Mall from the Castle to the Natural History Museum. I went past the map of the Smithsonian right outside the Metro station. There was a large, confused tourist family gathered about the map.

Always eager to help, (and always glad of an opportunity to appear to look smart), I approach them.

Me: Can I help you?

Tourist mother: Yea, where is the Smithsonian?

Me: Here. (I gesture grandly about me in a wide, semi-circular motion.) All of these buildings.

Tourist father: We just want the museum.

Me: Each of these buildings has a different part of the museum. 0What is it that you want to see?"

Tourist mother: The museum.

Me: This is all the museum. All of these buildings. All of them.

(I think I even gestured again.)

Blank stares. The baby begins to cry.

Me: What do you want to see?

(All of the following remarks are accompanied by the appropriate gestures.)

Me: This building is History, Natural Science is here. That is art, way up there, although you can find more art there and there. And there.
Way up there is Indians. What do you want to see?

Mother: The museum.

4 year old : Dinosaurs.

Me: Dinosaurs! Right in there. Bye! Have fun today!

And I motor off as fast as my little wheels will carry me.

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